Dear LaLiberte Families,
What a GREAT day we had with our Fun Run!! Thank you so much to our school community for the volunteer help and the donations! We exceeded our goal!! WOW! The funding will help our students in so many ways! Picture Day is coming! Please see the attached flyer to order online! Our Picture day is Wednesday, Oct. 9! Online Ordering Guide - LaLiberte Elementary School 2024 (2).pdf Fire Safety Week: The Raynham FD will be visiting to present to all grade levels on October 8, 2024. A message from RAVE: Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. If you would like to be included on this list, please complete this survey by Friday, October 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you. Becky George R.A.V.E. Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Nicole Williams R.A.V.E. Community Resource Chairperson [email protected] BR Music Department Trunk or Treat: The Tri M Music Honor Society is once again hosting its annual Trunk or Treat event to raise funds for the high school music department and provide a fun and safe event for the kids in Bridgewater & Raynham! It's coordinated and run by the high school music kids...there will be decorated trunks, plenty of candy & live Halloween inspired music performed by the high school musicians. When: Monday October 28th Where: BR High School Stadium Lot Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Cost: $5 Suggested Donation BR Varsity Cheer: Join the Bridgewater Raynham Varsity Cheerleaders for Youth Night on Friday, 10/11! Perform on the sidelines and at half time with BRVC! Dress to show your BR colors! We will be in the gym 4-5 for practice and then have pizza and get ready for the game from 5-6. $30 per child, cash or check (made out to Friends of BR Athletics) at the door! Pizza & a bow is included! Register at the link in our bio! October 2024 Family Literacy Newsletter October 2024 Family Literacy Newsletter (1).pdf Holly R. Hargraves, Principal News from LPO Next Meeting: Wednesday October 9th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the school year. Babysitting available. Fun Run: Thank you to all parents and families for your donations and support during our Fun Run Fundraiser! The kids had such a great time today ! We can’t wait to use the money raised for field trips and enrichment programs for our students! Book Fair: Save the date- October 28th-November 1st. Keep an eye out for the signup genius to help volunteer throughout the week! Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Yearbook- We want your photos for the yearbook! Please use this form to submit photos of first day of school, sports and lions out in the wild!! Dear LaLiberte Families,
Picture Day is coming! Please see the attached flyer to order online! Our Picture day is Wednesday, Oct. 9! Online Ordering Guide - LaLiberte Elementary School 2024.pdf Boosterthon Fun Run News: Who’s ready for a weekend challenge?! Get a $60 flat donation before Monday and your student will score a GOLDEN EDITION Dude Perfect keychain! Good luck! Help us reach our $45,000 for field trips and enrichment programs. 1. SIGN UP your student(s) on today. 2. SHARE with your family/friends using the SHARE tools on 3. GIVE a donation. We have currently raised over $13,500 towards our goal of $45,000. Every donation counts and brings us closer to field trips and enrichment programs for our students! Reminder: Our big Laliberte Fun Run is coming up on 10/04/2024! If you would like to attend the run, here are the run times: - Grade 4: 9:40AM - Grade 3: 11:00AM - Grade 2: 12:40PM We can’t wait to celebrate with you! Thank you again for supporting our school! Let's make this weekend a huge success! A message from RAVE: 2024-2025 Rave Classroom Contact List.pdf Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. If you would like to be included on this list, please complete this survey by Friday, October 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you. Becky George R.A.V.E. Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Nicole Williams R.A.V.E. Community Resource Chairperson [email protected] BR Varsity Cheer: Join the Bridgewater Raynham Varsity Cheerleaders for Youth Night on Friday, 10/11! Perform on the sidelines and at half time with BRVC! Dress to show your BR colors! We will be in the gym 4-5 for practice and then have pizza and get ready for the game from 5-6. $30 per child, cash or check (made out to Friends of BR Athletics) at the door! Pizza & a bow is included! Register at the link in our bio! image_123650291.JPG Holly R. Hargraves, Principal News from LPO: Next Meeting: Wednesday October 9th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the school year. Babysitting available. Fun Run: Registration is open and we are currently at 40% ! Please register your child as soon as you can. Our goal this year is to raise $45,000 !!! Fun Run is set for October 4th. Spectators are allowed but please stay behind the fence of the football field. Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Click here! Yearbook: We want your photos for the yearbook! Please use this form to submit photos of first day of school, sports and lions out in the wild!! Dear LaLiberte Families,
Happy Friday! It’s been a great week with some beautiful weather, but we knew we’d start having some rainy days! A reminder that we try to get out as often as possible through the winter, so layers of clothing are the best! We are less than ONE week away from kicking off our Laliberte Fun Run fundraiser! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together to reach our fundraising goals. Get an overview of our fundraiser by clicking HERE! Here is the Key Information to help you during the fundraiser:
RaynWater STEAM will be offering an Inventor’s Club program as well as an Early Release Day program. Please see the attached flyers for more information! Early Release Day 2024-2025.pdf Inventors Club 2024.pdf STEM Week in BR: We would love for community members from STEM fields to come into our school to share their real world expertise with students and staff. STEM Week 2024 Flyer (1).pdf Holly R. Hargraves, Principal News from LPO Next Meeting: Wednesday October 9th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the school year. Fun Run: Registration is open ! Please register your child as soon as you can. Kick off Pep Rally will take place September 25th during school hours with the Fun Run taking place October 4th! Our goal this year is to raise $45,000 !!! We will be looking for Prize Patrol volunteers and day of volunteers ! You must have a current CORI on file with the school. Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Dear LaLiberte Families,
We’ve had a great first week of school! Our Open House on Monday Night was filled with so many families, smiling and getting to know everyone for the new school year! Our Boosterthon Fun Run is about to start!! “Sign up today for our Laliberte Fun Run Fundraiser!” The day is here! You can now sign up for our Laliberte Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $45,000 for field trips and enrichment programs. Signing up is easy and free! ️ Sign Up Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ️ Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support! Follow our social page ( for fundraiser updates and volunteer opportunities. Key Dates to Remember: Sign up online OPEN at – Start TODAY! Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 09/25/2024 Event Day – 10/04/2024 *Need help signing up? Video instructions HERE. We are also looking for Prize Patrol volunteers. If interested, click to sign up here today! STEM Week in BR: We would love for community members from STEM fields to come into our school to share their real world expertise with students and staff. If you’d like to know more, please see the attached flyer! STEM Week 2024 Flyer .pdf Here is a link to our September Family Literacy Newsletter: September 2024 Family Literacy Newsletter.pdf Holly R. Hargraves, Principal News from LPO Next Meeting: Wednesday October 9th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the school year.Fun Run: Registration is open ! Please register your child as soon as you can. Kick off Pep Rally will take place September 25th during school hours with the Fun Run taking place October 4th! Our goal this year is to raise $45,000 !!! We will be looking for Prize Patrol volunteers and day of volunteers ! You must have a current CORI on file with the school. Sign Up Here! Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Click Here to Order! LPO Board Krystal Berntsen, President Beth Alles, Vice President Kimberly Harr, Treasurer Kate Caron, Secretary Dear LaLiberte Families,
What a wonderful first week we’ve had!! It has been so wonderful having our students back in the building with us! Our halls have been filled with laughter and learning all week! Next week on Monday, we will welcome families to join us for an Open House! Families with students in grades 2 and 4 will be from 5-6 and families with students in grade 3 or who would like to visit with our Unified Arts staff will be from 6:30-7:30. If you have students in both grades, you should plan to come between 6 and 6:30 to be able to meet with both sets of teachers. Parking WILL be challenging which is why we separate out the grade levels! Be prepared for this! We look forward to seeing you all! Bus and Dismissal: A reminder that the first few weeks of school the bus needs time to work out a few timing kinks. Please be patient with us! Dismissal for pick ups and Walkers gets smoother, as well, once students and families are used to the structure! Holly R. Hargraves, Principal Dear LaLiberte Families,
Next week is the start of a new school year! We are SO excited to welcome all our new LaLiberte Lions! This year we have a few changes and a few additions to our staff! Mrs. Chabot has moved from Grade 3 to Grade 2; Mrs. Bertram has moved from Grade 4 to Grade 3; Mrs. Day has moved from a Proctor position to an ESP position; Mrs. Dowling has moved from a Health Proctor position to a Building Proctor position; We are welcoming Mrs. Sonnleitner as a new Special Education Teacher and Mrs. Morse as a new English Language Learner Teacher. Breakfast and Lunch are free for all students! For information click here! Arrival and dismissal are very busy around LaLiberte! If you plan to pick your child up from school, you will need a set of car tags with a number. We use this number to alert the staff inside that you are here and the children line up according to this order to make things move smoother. Please refer to the map: map.docx - Presentation (1).pdf ARRIVAL: Arrival begins at 8:55. Please do not drop off any earlier as we do not have staff available to monitor students prior to this time. Please DO NOT drop off students in the upper parking lot to walk down alone. There are MANY cars and the chances of an accident are too great. If you’d like to PARK and WALK YOUR CHILD down to the back doors for arrival, you may do this! Multiple cars can unload at a time along the back wall- you don’t have to be right at the back door to unload! DISMISSAL: Some students are designated as “WALKING” students. These students gather in the cafeteria where we ensure that we have the entire list. The group does not leave until the list is checked so this can sometimes cause a delay in their timing! They are escorted to the basketball courts between Merrill and LaLiberte where they can walk home or meet up with an adult. If you have any concerns about your child being alone at this meeting location due to the adult being late, etc. please DO NOT designate them as a walking student. Our staff does not monitor who is meeting them as they have been identified as a student WALKING HOME. Another option is to have the adult walk down to our back door and meet the student there. This is often a faster way to pick your child up and MUCH SAFER!! The third option is our rolling pick up! A reminder that arriving on the later side of arrival or dismissal means you will miss most (all even!!) of the traffic! Please do NOT line up early and leave your car running in the line! We look forward to our first week of school and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Holly R. Hargraves, Principal |