Dear LaLiberte Families:
We’ve had a busy week wrapping up the month of April and the months of May and June will be even busier! There will be lots of fun events to look forward to! Today, our LPO brought a BMX assembly for our whole school to enjoy and it was such a fun way to end our day and our week! There should be some pictures in the BR BUZZ tonight! Please see the attached flyer for information about Bridgewater Summer Biddy Basketball. Or click this link. Summer biddy 2024 .png Please see the attached flyer for information about the BR Youth Road race. Or click this link BR Youth Road Race Update Flyer 2024.pdf Please see the attached flyer for information about the Cranberry Country PMC Kids Ride. Or click this link. Cranberry Country PMC Kids RIde 2024 Flyer for the BRRSD - Hi Res (1).pdf Holly R. Hargraves, Principal Craig Poulos, Assistant Principal News from LPO Next Meeting: Our next Meeting is Wednesday May 8th at 6:30 PM. All nominations and nominees are due at this meeting. If you are interested in a spot on the board please attend this meeting!! Looking forward to seeing you there! Yearbooks: Our yearbook deadline is April 28th!! Please get those in before it closes as we can not guarantee a book after this. Please visit password LAL24 Karate: Thank you to everyone who signed up for the Personal Best Karate Classes at Laliberte! The students had their first class yesterday and it was a hit! Edgewood: As a reminder, if you sign up for Edgewood pool and tennis club this summer, please select LPO and we receive a portion of the fee which will be used for more enrichment activities! Teacher Appreciation week is quickly approaching! Please consider donating so we can treat our teachers and staff during this time. Link below to sign up! Comments are closed.