Dear LaLiberte Families,
What a GREAT day we had with our Fun Run!! Thank you so much to our school community for the volunteer help and the donations! We exceeded our goal!! WOW! The funding will help our students in so many ways! Picture Day is coming! Please see the attached flyer to order online! Our Picture day is Wednesday, Oct. 9! Online Ordering Guide - LaLiberte Elementary School 2024 (2).pdf Fire Safety Week: The Raynham FD will be visiting to present to all grade levels on October 8, 2024. A message from RAVE: Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. If you would like to be included on this list, please complete this survey by Friday, October 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you. Becky George R.A.V.E. Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Nicole Williams R.A.V.E. Community Resource Chairperson [email protected] BR Music Department Trunk or Treat: The Tri M Music Honor Society is once again hosting its annual Trunk or Treat event to raise funds for the high school music department and provide a fun and safe event for the kids in Bridgewater & Raynham! It's coordinated and run by the high school music kids...there will be decorated trunks, plenty of candy & live Halloween inspired music performed by the high school musicians. When: Monday October 28th Where: BR High School Stadium Lot Time: 5 to 6 p.m. Cost: $5 Suggested Donation BR Varsity Cheer: Join the Bridgewater Raynham Varsity Cheerleaders for Youth Night on Friday, 10/11! Perform on the sidelines and at half time with BRVC! Dress to show your BR colors! We will be in the gym 4-5 for practice and then have pizza and get ready for the game from 5-6. $30 per child, cash or check (made out to Friends of BR Athletics) at the door! Pizza & a bow is included! Register at the link in our bio! October 2024 Family Literacy Newsletter October 2024 Family Literacy Newsletter (1).pdf Holly R. Hargraves, Principal News from LPO Next Meeting: Wednesday October 9th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the school year. Babysitting available. Fun Run: Thank you to all parents and families for your donations and support during our Fun Run Fundraiser! The kids had such a great time today ! We can’t wait to use the money raised for field trips and enrichment programs for our students! Book Fair: Save the date- October 28th-November 1st. Keep an eye out for the signup genius to help volunteer throughout the week! Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Yearbook- We want your photos for the yearbook! Please use this form to submit photos of first day of school, sports and lions out in the wild!! Comments are closed.