Dear LaLiberte Families,
We’ve had a busy week with Grade 4 attending field trips to the Lloyd Center and having to make a weather-related adjustment to a Grade 2 field trip!. Classes have also been starting to take their final iReady diagnostic tests in both reading and math. Once those are completed a parent report will be sent home. Next week brings more field trip fun, our Senior Stroll and Grade 4 has the chance to experience the Earthview Globe! We hope you enjoy the long weekend! Holly R. Hargraves, Principal Craig Poulos, Assistant Principal News from LPO: Next Meeting: Our next Meeting is June 5th at 6:30 PM in the library! Come close out the year with us and have some fun! Teacher Appreciation: We would like to thank Heather and Amy for their combined effort in helping out our staff and teachers have a wonderful teacher appreciation week last week. We are so happy we were able to treat everyone that week! Thank you both! Field Day: We are looking for field day volunteers - please sign up below Comments are closed.